Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Bound with Crosshatch in Tangerine!

and back, below:

Detail, below:

This quilt was begun in 2011, in one of  Ferret's  one-day "Speed Quilt" classes.   It's a quilt-as-you-go quilt, with minimal quilting.   I then reached an impasse with the colours I'd chosen.  (This is actually the second speed quilt I made - the first (the third quilt I ever made) went to my niece abroad, unphotographed.  Again, I shall have to remedy that.  This was an attempt to recreate that quilt for memememe.   

I adore the AMH innocent crush rose in the centre, but was concerned that the colour didn't link into the rest of the quilt.  Hence the butterfly - which I think needs tilting a little - it's turned out a little too uniformly placed.  It did take many months to arrive at this particular solution!

I outline quilted the central rose, which shows up nicely on the back (photo not uploading for some inscrutable to me reason). 

The quilt then sat for years, whilst I auditioned bindings.   And then, Architextures arrived, and everything fell into place.  

 And then the fudge, my favourite bit of this quilt.  I was actually binding it (yes I was) when I noticed a slight lack of linen....   I hunted around in my fabrics (more auditioning) and this virtually fell at my feet.

It was a scrap that had been used to wrap a Fat Quarter bundle from far away shores - reader, I keep them all!!   Of course then there was a slight diversion whilst I googled furiously in an attempt to identify it - Avant Garden from Modernology by Pat Bravo.

And this one's a keeper!  

Quilt Stats:  59" x 59"
Fabrics Front:  
Turn of Evens in Plum -Innocent Crush - Anna Maria Horner
Sandlewood in Tangerine - Love - Amy Butler
Clippings in Passion - Loulouthi - Anna Maria Horner
Sun Spots in Olive - Love - Amy Butler
Crosshatch in Tangerine - Architextures - Carolyn Friedlander 
Fabrics Back: 
Stof Linen
Doughty's White
Avant Garden in Blanc - Modernology - Pat Bravo
& the teeny strip of stripes is Wa-Modern by Hokkoh.

Right, housework beckons (joke - it never does).  My next UFO does though.  And perhaps some reading up of HTML codes!


  1. you are invited to follow my blog

  2. so nice to see this one finished and I get to see it in the flesh later!!
    It looks great!

  3. Beautiful - especially like the tangerine binding.


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